No, Computer Cuisine Deluxe does not automatically calculate the nutritional information. Much like recipe scaling this is not an oversight and was a conscious decision. This is all due to the free flowing convenience of the ingredients field.
There’s no way for Computer Cuisine Deluxe to automatically calculate this information for you unless the ingredients input areas were set to only accept each ingredient line-by-line and with strict numerical formatting. Again, this would kill the convenience of being able to drag and drop or copy/paste large blocks of text into the ingredients field.
Also, virtually any program that can automatically calculate the nutritional information has the potential to be highly inaccurate.
Many recipes these days include simple nutritional information at the end of the recipe that you can type into the Nutrition tab for the most accurate information as possible.
Computer Cuisine Deluxe gives you the best of both worlds:
1. Accurate nutritional information.
2. The easy of being able to copy/paste or drag n’ drop entire blocks of text for the ingredients and method without having to type items line-by-line.
Computer Cuisine Deluxe
The ultimate Mac & Windows Home Recipe software and home recipe cooking organizer database